About me


  • BSc in Physiotherapy - Technological Educational Institute of Athens

  • MSc - Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Manual Therapy Specialisation - KU Leuven


  • CRAFTA (Craniofacial Therapy Academy) Basic Course

  • Clinical Pilates Seminar - GPC, Greece

  • 'A day with Brian - Mulligan's Concepts MWM, nags, etc. Seminar'

  • 'Musician's hand - a two-day course by Ph. Chamagne'

  • ' Complex core+: Training and Therapy - 3 levels' - Seminars of Roman Jahoda

  • 'Principles of Trauma&Thoracic Medicine' Kurs

  • 'Combination Taping Seminar' - Emilios Koufos

Prof. experience

  • General Hospital of Athens 'Gennimatas' 6-month Internship, BSc

  • 'General Hospital of Latvia, Children Hospital and Neurological Clicic 'Vaivari' - Internships via Erasmus+ Programm.

  • Maria Ornithopoulou's Practice, Greece (mostly orthopaedic patients and home visits)

  • UZ Pellenberg Hospital in Belgium on manual therapy specialisation - MSc internship

  • Rehab Zentrum Penzing Physikalisches Institut, internship in cooperation with the KU Leuven University of Belgium

  • Physikalische Institut Brigitttenau (ongoing)

  • Physio. Box Praxis (in 20. - ongoing)

  • Dancer's care (ongoing)


  • Greek (Mother tongue)

  • German

  • English


Wasnergasse 17, 1200 Wien

Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon


Where do I work:


Kollergerngasse 4/8a, 1060 Wien

Every Friday morning