woman in black tank top holding white textile
woman in black tank top holding white textile
woman doing yoga on stability ball
woman doing yoga on stability ball



Through a detailed assessment, we create an individual treatment plan together to improve movement function and physical health.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy uses both passive techniques (special handling and mobilization techniques) and active exercises. On the one hand, blocked or restricted joints are mobilized using gentle techniques, on the other hand, unstable joints can be stabilized through individual exercises. Aim of the treatment concept: Restoration of the interaction between joints, muscles and nerves.

CRAFTA® Therapy

CranioFacial Therapy Academy - Treatment and management of patients with temporomandibular, facial dysfunction and pain. Jaw joint problems, headaches, cranial nerve problems, tinnitus, discomfort in the eye area, head and cervical spine. Functional disorders in the facial area are also being treated.

Therapeutic Exercise

I offer training after injuries (running and sport included), pre- and post- operation training, backmuscle/core training and shoulder/knee rehabilitation. Therapeutic training is always individually tailored to the needs of each individual.

person in black and white striped long sleeve shirt
person in black and white striped long sleeve shirt
person holding pink and white dumbbells
person holding pink and white dumbbells
Clinical Pilates

Unlike general Pilates training, Clinical Pilates is conducted in a clinical setting. It focuses on improving the patient's posture, strength, flexibility, stability and movement control while treating existing pain, injury or muscular dysfunction.